Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Julie's Hope Lives On

June 24, 2008

We've been home for 3 days. Life is back to normal but my heart is back in Gentilly . . . Julie's home. I miss her. I miss the sweat, the hard work, the day's accomplishments. I miss our team. Yet, I am so grateful to our God for making the impossible possible! I am privileged and honored that He choose me, completely unqualified, to carry out His work! I can hardly believe that WE DID IT! God led the way and each of us followed.

For 2 1/2 years, Dennis & I have longed to help Julie rebuild her home. I will never forget January 14, 2008 when Julie and I shared dinner at Zea's Restaurant. She spoke how God was doing a "good work in her", of faith in her God, how she would trust Him for whatever He had planned for her. For the first time since Katrina, she had hope.

At that moment, God gave me a glimpse of what He had planned. "St. John's can be Julie's restorer". I was so excited just to think that our dream for Julie could be a reality! Then the tug of war began. The war between Linda the Dreamer and Linda the Realist. I have been known to have grandiose ideas that falter and fail. "Is this a "God thing" or just another crazy idea?" I decided not to share this with Julie until I knew for sure that this truly was from God.

The following Saturday, when I arrived home from New Orleans, I told Dennis about the dinner with Julie. He immediately agreed to the idea and saw no reason why our Church could not make this happen. Next, I asked Pastor Stroup's permission to proceed. He said "Absolutely!" To make this work, the team needed a place to stay. Will the camps house a team who is not working on a camp project? Quickly, the answer came. No Problem!

What a joyous time it was when Dennis & I called Julie to share God's plan with her. The rest of the story is an amazing journey how God revealed His plan step by step and provided for every need.

He gave us
a team complete with many skilled laborers and team members with passion and zeal to pack in a 10-15 hour work day. He lifted up dozens of individuals who donated all the gas and Home Depot gift cards needed, loaned the team 2 trailers, gave an abundance of home furnishings and most of all, prayed fervently for Julie's Hope.

Very soon, Julie will reside in her home, a home lovingly restored by the hands of God's people. I will cherish the lesson I have learned from this mission my husband called, Julie's Hope. I have learned to trust my God for everything, because He is faithful and will provide! Even in the midst of despair and hopelessness, when He seems to have forgotten me and does not immediately answer my prayer, I will know to trust in His abiding care and to wait patiently for Him to reveal His plan. For when I wait upon Him, He will not fail me. Praise Him for all He has accomplished and to Him be all the glory! Halleluiah!

Linda Burmeister

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