Friday, June 20, 2008

Reflections on Day Five of Our Mission of Hope

We are approaching the final few hours of our time with Julie. As I am writing this, several team members have returned to Bethlehem Camp for some sleep so that they are rested for our drive home tomorrow; several more members work diligently trying to complete ...just one more thing. So many memories from this week--much hard work & I hope & pray Julie will be able to enjoy here home very soon! My favorite memory of today will be The House Blessing--the entire team stood together in Julie's living room and prayed that God would continue to protect Julie & bring joy & peace to her home. We know that our Lord will walk beside us, guide us through whatever may come into our lives--we as people of God just need to remain focused on Him. What a great example Julie has been to us all as she lives each day trusting that the Lord will give her strength to "get through this--one day at a time". Right now it is time for me to go help load up a trailer or wash mud off the kitchen floor-or help pack up tools.......what a week it has been---I thank all the "teachers" for showing me so many thing about home repair and for their help in getting Julie back into her house.


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